Ohio Food Safety Training & Certification
Ohio Level 1 Level 2 Food Safety Training
  • Person-In-Charge
  • Manager (CFM)
  • 10% OFF SALE

Ohio Person-In-Charge (Level 1) Certification

  • California Food Handler TrainingPerson-In-Charge Certification in Food Protection - (formerly "Level One")
  • Ohio Department of Health Approved
  • Duration: 2.5 hrs
  • Take course anywhere and anytime
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Price: $10.00 

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Ohio Food Manager (Level 2) Certification

  • California Food Manager CertificationOhio Department of Health Approved
  • Course: 8hrs - Exam 1.5hrs
  • Take course anywhere and anytime
  • Course certificate upon completion
  • ANSI Exam scheduled at Test Center
  • Course: $85.00 - Exam: $55.00
  • Combo Special: $99.00 

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Ohio Person-In-Charge (Level 1) & Food Manager (Level 2) Certification Requirements

Ohio's food safety certification program consists of two levels: Person-In-Charge Certification in Food Protection (formerly "Level One") and Manager Certification in Food Protection (formerly "Level Two").

  • Person-In-Charge Certification in Food Protection
    Mandated training for the person-in-charge per shift - of a Risk Level I, II, III, and IV - of a food service operation or retail food establishment.
    Course Requirments: Ohio Admistrative Code. OAC 3701-21-25 Appendix A - Person in Charge Certification Courses of Study (PDF)
  • Ohio Food Manager Certification in Food Protection
    Mmandated extensive training for the food manager and meets the requirement for demonstration of knowledge in OAC 3717-1-02.4 (B) - according to the Ohio Department of Health, This extensive training is for experienced professionals in the food service industry - who have the overall responsibility for the operation - and who oversee food preparation, supplies, quality of service, food safety, regulations, and techniques to maintain a food-safe environment.

Food Service Jobs are Vital to Ohio’s Economy

Food service is an important driving force in Ohio’s economy. Food service facilities provide jobs and build careers for thousands of people, and play a vital role in all communities throughout the state. Food service safety training is key to keep this economy growing.

According the National Restaurant Association, Ohio has approximately 22,547 food and beverage serving locations, with an annual spend of greater than $24.2B and over 1,769,100 restaurant and food service jobs. Ohio is expected to see 9.1% job growth over the next 10 years, well above the industry average.
Source: National Restaurant Association - Ohio Restaurant Industry at a Glance (PDF)

Why is Ohio Food Safety Training & Certification important?

California food safety is essential to operating a successful food service. The safety of the food supply is a responsibility shared by sellers, managers and handlers.

  • The top 3 causes of foodborne illness attributed to food preparation and service handlers are: poor personal hygiene, improper holding temperatures, and improper cooling procedures.
  • Since the majority of foodborne illnesses are attributed to food service handlers, and the top contributing factors are related to handlers behavior, the importance of the training food handlers receive is critical.